NEU – Relaunch: Wie wirkt Fruchtsäure?
Sustainability and environmental awareness have been of central importance in our company and among our suppliers for many years. The much-cited "Planet B" has not yet been discovered and until that happens, we have a responsibility to carefully look after our environment and use all resources sparingly.
Each individual can contribute to this and together with our employees we have set ourselves the goal of keeping the ecological footprint as small as possible in all possible areas.
As a trading company with an average parcel volume of 50 parcels per day, the selection of the shipping service provider is an essential part of sustainability. We have been a partner of Österreichische Post AG for several years, which guarantees CO2-neutral delivery and lives the topic of sustainability with a clear strategy.
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As a trading company with an average parcel volume of 50 parcels per day, the selection of the shipping service provider is an essential part of sustainability. We have been a partner of Österreichische Post AG for several years, which guarantees CO2-neutral delivery and lives the topic of sustainability with a clear strategy.

“The handling of packaging material and its recycling plays an important role for us. Whenever possible, we and our partners avoid plastic in our packaging."
In the case of fragile products, such as nail polishes, we take special care during transport to ensure that the goods are not delivered damaged. The majority of our packages are sent with recycled packaging material. All non-recyclable materials are carefully disposed of with a special focus on waste separation.

"Our goal is to carry out most of the processes paperless and, for example, to run our bookkeeping exclusively digitally. Our customers and partner studios have been able to request their invoices exclusively digitally for several years now."
How we work
In our office we only use FSC-certified copy paper and whenever possible, internal processes are digitized - without any paper at all.
We digitally control all processes of merchandise and warehouse management, accounting, as well as customer and personnel management together with our regional partner Koerbler, who is also pursuing an exciting sustainability strategy with its own bee colonies and a vineyard on the company premises.
Unsere Kommunikation haben wir durchgehend digitalisiert und wir setzen gezielt auf digitale Verkaufs- und Werbeformen. Durch effizientes CRM-Management senden wir gedrucktes Werbematerial nur noch an ausgewählte Kunden bzw. Interessenten und verzichten damit auf unnötige Papierverschwendung. Bei unseren Printmaterialen, wie z.B. Briefpapier, Broschüren, Folder oder Aussendungen setzen wir ebenfalls auf regionale Partner, wie die Medienfabrik Graz, die ganzheitlich umweltfreundlich arbeitet.
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Unsere Kommunikation haben wir durchgehend digitalisiert und wir setzen gezielt auf digitale Verkaufs- und Werbeformen. Durch effizientes CRM-Management senden wir gedrucktes Werbematerial nur noch an ausgewählte Kunden bzw. Interessenten und verzichten damit auf unnötige Papierverschwendung. Bei unseren Printmaterialen, wie z.B. Briefpapier, Broschüren, Folder oder Aussendungen setzen wir ebenfalls auf regionale Partner, wie die Medienfabrik Graz, die ganzheitlich umweltfreundlich arbeitet.

The majority of all packaging for our products (e.g. jars, folding boxes, tubes) already consists of recyclable materials.
When introducing new products, our suppliers pay attention to all environmental regulations and also issues such as microplastics or pollutants in the products, which ultimately damage the environment or the oceans or coral reefs in the cycle. All products are of course manufactured without animal testing and the majority of all products in our range are vegan-friendly.

"In this way, we want to make our small contribution to a sustainable future without sacrificing some of the best cosmetic products in the world."
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